Seller Info

Here are some helpful links that every seller should look through.
Why use a REALTOR®?
When selling your home, your REALTOR® can give you up-to-date information on what is happening in the marketplace including price, financing and terms of competing properties. These are key factors in a successful sale of your property at the best price in the least...
Determining the Value of Your Home
A Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) is essential to determine the value of residential property. Location and characteristics of the property are the key elements in determining value. Therefore, the basis for valuation is similar properties in your area. The market...
The Importance of Intelligent Pricing
Figure 1 – Percentage of Buyers by Asking PriceDetermining the best asking price for a home can be one of the most challenging aspects of selling a home. It is also one of the most important. If your home is listed at a price that is above market value, you will miss...
Important Factors In Choosing A Real Estate Agent
A variety of factors influence a seller’s decision to list with a particular real estate agent. Source: National Association of Realtors® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.
What Sellers Want Most From Real Estate Professionals
Real estate agents can best serve their clients when they fully understand what their clients expect from them. Source: Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers.
Services You Will Receive
We will help you determine the best selling price for your home. We will suggest what you can do to get your home in top selling condition. We will develop a strategy to show your home. We will enter your home in the Multiple Listing System. We will implement the...
When An Appointment Is Made
Agents from many real estate firms will want to show your home. Please allow any agent who calls to show your home at the suggested time. If you are not frequently available, it is suggested that you allow a lockbox to be installed on your door. You will increase your...